Biowave Neurostimulation Now Available In Las Vegas

A proven non-opioid pain treatment solution that provides instant, long lasting pain relief.

Biowave delivers therapeutic electrical signals through skin directly to pain nerves to:

  • Block the pain signal,
  • Increase range of motion, and
  • Reduce stiffness and muscle spasm.


I am a patient with a thoracic spine condition that required spinal fusion surgery. Both pre-and post surgery, I have experienced intercostal neuralgia. It is a condition that creates severe nerve pain along the ribs, and it is very difficult to treat.

The Biowave unit has been the most effective tool in my pain management arsenal BY FAR!!! I have been using the device for almost 5 years. It provides better pain relief than any of my medications do for the burning, “electric shock” sensation that accompanies nerve pain. It is my “go to” tool for flareups and sleepless nights. The stimulation from the Biowave unit creates a deep soothing sensation that relieves my constant, unrelenting pain.

– Kelly O.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it right for me?
Biowave can be used to relieve chronic, acute or post-operative pain in the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine.

What determines if I need further treatments? 
If you feel less pain and have a positive response to the first treatment, your doctor may recommend that you return for 5 or more additional treatments. There may be a cumulative benefit with multiple treatments.

What level of activity may I perform after my procedure?
There are no limits to your activity after receiving a Biowave treatment. However, with less pain, patients should be careful not to perform strenuous activities that might have caused the pain in the first place.